Friday, September 30, 2011

Sequence versus Structure

When you read "The Banking Concept of Education," I want you to focus on the structure of the argument. This is slightly different from the 'sequence'

The 'sequence' of the argument would be "then Freire argures. . .then this. . .then this. . ." Talking about the "sequence" lends to paraphrasing the entire argument.

Instead, I want you to focus on the structure. So try to focus on how Freire transitions between paragraphs and then how the paragraphs work together to create a linear argument. The question to ask is not "what's next" but why is what's next in that position? Why did F. argue this before this? Are there 'premises' at the beginning that are necessary for F. to argue his further points. What contrasts does F. set up?

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