Monday, September 19, 2011

Summary of Research Prospectus

A research paper should. . .
  • pose an interesting and significant problem
  • respond to the problem with a contestable thesis*
  • use sources purposefully and ethically
 Today, I elaborated on what constitutes a contestable thesis. Contestable means, to put it simply, that you can imagine a rational audience that may disagree with your point. It means that you have tension in your thesis. I gave the example of the girl who wrote a paper on heart disease without a point that could really be contested (or showed why her point might be contested--this is an important part of the paper).

I also explained the research prospectus which can be found on Sakai.

Topics Focus --> Question Focus

We now want to make sure we ask a good research question rather than just circle around a topic. Having a question focus will do 2 things:
  • requires you to be a critical thinker who must assess and weigh data and understand multiple points of view
  • encourages active construction of meaning

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