Monday, October 10, 2011

Synthesis Outline

Technology's Peril and Potential 

I. Introduction
       Introduces context
       Summary of texts
       Synthesizing thesis 

II. Compare and contrast of text's "problem" focus
      provides examples and elaboration

III. Compare and contrast text's "response" to this problem
      provides examples and evidence to support point

IV. Synthesis on "moral" questions
      Provides examples from own life/student's "own" thinking

V. Conclusion: reiteration of points, shifting to "we," offers reflection on "warnings" of technology. 

This is a basic outline of the article I sent you all as an example. Again, I'd like to reiterate that you can use these three texts in different ways in order to get your point across. However, the main thing I will be looking at in this synthesis is the flow/structure of the argumentation. I want you to "get somewhere" in the paper.

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